4 Signs Of Depression And How WFCC Is Your Best Resource

Support your mental health and wellness with WFCC!

There’s no doubt about it — life is stressful, and even more so, in these unprecedented times. Feeling sad and depressed is a very normal and common experience, but when is it considered depression?  

If you’re battling unwavering dark feelings, you may be struggling with depression. Learn four signs of depression in today’s post.

A woman sleeping

Sleep Concerns

When we’re not sleeping, everything gets harder. The fatigue sets in, and small tasks seem insurmountable. This plays a large role in why people with depression stop doing the things they love — they simply lack the energy. 

If you’re battling insomnia or sleeping too much, this could be a sign that you’re struggling with depression.


From trouble focusing, nervousness, and the feeling of utter panic to an increased heart and sweating, anxiety often goes hand-in-hand with depression.  

Supporting these symptoms with CBD has been shown to lower and even mitigate feelings of anxiety.

A women on the floor holding her chest
A person in bed and on their phone.

Apathy/Loss of Interest

Dealing with depression can take the enjoyment out of life — the things you used to love and look forward to fall away, and you may become withdrawn from everyday activities that once played a large role in your life.

Feeling Hopeless

If you find yourself questioning, what’s the point? and have an overall hopeless outlook, it could be depression. Beyond feeling hopeless other common signs may be inappropriate guilt, self-hate, and worthlessness.

A person holding their hands above their head at sunset.

If you’ve experienced any number of the symptoms above, making the connection to these signs and depression can be the first step in your healing journey. 

While there are many depression treatments available, cannabis may support the symptoms of depression through restored endocannabinoid levels. 

Turn to WFCC to combat your depression and work with a cannabis consultant today.

Dear Valued Patients

We would like to inform you that WFCC Medical Clinic will be Closed from May 6 to May 17, 2024 (inclusive). During this period, our team will be unavailable for regular appointments and inquiries.

Emergency Situations:

  • If you are experiencing a medical emergency, please proceed to your nearest Emergency Department or call 911 immediately.

Non-Urgent Care:

  • For non-urgent matters, we kindly request that you:
    • Email us at info@wfccmedical.ca
    • Leave a voicemail message at 905-380-4371.
    • Seek care at a Walk-In Clinic or an Urgent Care Clinic if needed.

Appointment Requests Upon Return:

  • If you require an appointment Once we open on May 20th, 2024, please email us at info@wfccmedical.ca, and we will schedule your visit promptly upon our arrival back.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding. Our commitment to your health and well-being remains unwavering, and we look forward to continuing to support you with your Health and Wellness Journey upon our Return.

Thank you for choosing WFCC Medical Clinic.

Warmest Regards,

The WFCC Medical Team