Can I Travel with My Medicine?
Yes, Only within Canada, It must be kept within the licensed producer container that it came in, with the label completely legible along with any paperwork that came with it. If travelling by airplane, the medicine should be kept in your carry-on luggage. However, no Cannabis and this includes Cannabidiol (CBD) oils that can cross the USA/International Borders. Therefore if at any time a flight may be rerouted and you have your medical cannabis on you, you are then responsible for the legal ramifications of this.
Will I Get a Card?
Most likely not, most licensed producers have moved away from the hard-physical cards. As of October 2018, the registration certificate now replaces the card.
Can I purchase Cannabis at a Dispensary?
As per Health Canada, no. The current Health Canada guidelines state that medical Cannabis patients must purchase their medicine through a registered licensed producer only.
How long does it Take to get a Grow License?
Once you have had your appointment with the Practitioner, and have mailed in your medical document and forms for health Canada, the processing time is normally 8-10 weeks. (Times vary now since Pandemic-Covid19).
Is telemedicine Legal?
Yes, telemedicine is the delivery of healthcare using telecommunications (text, audio, and video) technology. This basically meaning that the Practitioners can treat patients without being in the same place as them, making it more convenient for you!
Is there a Fee?
Yes, Our Clinic is a Nurse Practitioner-Led Clinic. Unfortunately, Health Canada does not allow Nurse practitioners to Bill OHIP. Therefore we are a fee-for-service Medical Clinic (to learn more about our costs/fees see our booking section, or please contact our Clinic Manager. Contact Us.
Do you See Pediatric Patients?
Yes, our Practitioners feel that ALL patients have the Right to medical Cannabis, Including some of our most hard to reach and vulnerable which includes our pediatrics and senior populace.
How do I order from a Licensed Producer (LP)?
Once your medical Document has been sent to the LP you will receive a Link via email to click on, this is where you will complete the registration form. Once you have completed this registration form it will get paired with the medical document. This process will take anywhere from a couple hours-5 days (completely dependent on the LP and how long there processing times are).
Once you have been processed through from the LPs end and receive an email/call from them stating this, then you are able to make a purchase of your medical cannabis (online and or via telephone by e-transfer and or credit card).
Driving after medicating with Cannabis?
- 4 hours after inhalation
- 6 hours after ingestion of oils/edibles/Rosin/Shatter/etc.
- Longer than 8 hours if feeling intoxicated
- For more information, go to http://www.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/en/cannabis
Where can I find more information about medical cannabis?
You can find more information on Health Canada’s website: https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/drugshealth-products/medical-use-marijuana/medical-use-marijuana.html
Contact Us
T. 519-617-8884
F. 1-888-476-8452
[email protected]